Thursday, January 22, 2009


So... we had a snow day on Tuesday... It was literally just a dusting of snow... no need to close campus, I think it was just closed due to the inauguration. I must admit.. I got a little emotional during that. From everything we learn in history that we as a country have had to go through to get where we are today is amazing... Change is good! It was a moment in time I will never forget!

I'm doing the best that I can, although I slacked off last night with my homework. It wasn't actually homework. It was just extra credit. I'm going to finish it between classes today because it's not due until 3:30. I've been really BLAH lately... that's probably the best way to describe my mood... I'm just going with the flow of things.... hoping to get into some kind of routine that I enjoy!

I've been working on the "diet" but haven't gotten to the exercise... I need to get with it, but as I said I gotta figure somethings out and set designated times to go to the gym! I have to have a plan. I just need to force myself to put energy into making that plan! I have lost 8.6 pounds though-Since January 1st. I guess it's just from keeping busy and walking campus, and using stairs instead of the elevator, plus I've cut down on the amount of junk I eat... and I'm usually at work, so I'm running around there and not around food. I guess it's a workout for 4-5 hours a night considering I carry back and forth wedding gowns that can weigh anywhere from 1-10 pounds.... and I usually carry 3 or 4 at a time... so in a round about way it's a mini workout. Anything is better than sitting on my butt! I'm really wasting money on the gym membership though, so I need to get using it! I just dread all the "resolutioners" lol They'll start to slack off by mid february. My goal is to get a gym routine by february 1st ... by then I'll be settled in with school, and work, and my life can be more organized. I'm happy about the almost 9 pounds! It's not bad for 3 (+/-) weeks. I guess 10 pounds is my goal... if i lose another 1.4 by the time the month is over... i'll be good. It seems managable!

Well, thats all for me! Hope y'all are doing well!


Big Mark 243 said...

Your fitness goals are very reasonable. At work, doing little 'extra' stuff like 'curls' with the gowns will be fun too.

So much about working out is mental. Focusing on you and your goals is key. Doing the actual work is the most important thing, followed by form. A lot of people grief about equipment, the order of how your work, blah, blah.

IMO, just doing the work is the big thing. Getting a reg'lar routine is next. To be honest, it is simpler than you think. Good luck, and keep up the momentum!